Hey Hun!
I am Seneca Denise Malone. I am a writer. I am a dreamer. I am a prayer. I am a believer. I am a mindset & life coach. I am a girl's girl. I am an EMPOWERER.
I am also PEACE. I am love. I am confidence. I am magnetic. I am limitless. I am power.
Once upon a time, I wrote about pain, allowing the words to be my release -- assuming that the honesty would heal. I was wrong. After all, conceding to my trauma only added emphasis to it. Writing sad stories added an exclamation point to the already difficult experiences. I am not one to sugarcoat my losses, I've lived through and overcome a world of drama. The healing happened when I CHOSE to heal. It really was that simple. I woke up one day and said "I AM HEALED" -- in retrospect, this doesn't even sound real. But it is. After that one "I AM" statement. I quit drinking alcohol. My relationship with alcohol at one point was disruptive. It added the second exclamation point to the first. So, I had the trauma, the sad stories, and the filled-to-the-rim glass. What a recipe for disaster?
The day mentioned, was synchronistic for me. I decided that "I AM HEALED" and I quit drinking alcohol. I decided that "I AM LOVE" And I began writing love songs. I decided that " I AM WORTHY" and I ditched the relationships that caused me pain and chose people who made me feel safe. It was a MINDSET SHIFT.
I've since discovered the effectiveness of "I AM" statements and "I AM" would manifest into my reality, so I chose to BE all things good. I envisioned a calmer, more "at-peace" version of me -- so instead of CrossFit at the gym, I now do yoga in my pajamas. Instead of an energy drink in the mornings, I now enjoy a nice hot cup of freshly brewed tea.
I am inspired by sunshine, but I am equally inspired by the rain. I love the sounds of birds chirping and children's laughter. The smell of a homecooked breakfast brings me joy. I used to stop by a fast-food spot each morning for a sodium induced breakfast sandwich, I've since decided that I love cooking -- now I cook every morning. I am intentional in the present moments, and therein lies my peace. Aligned action steps happen once you change your mind.
I earned a Master of Arts degree in Professional writing a few years ago -- though it taught me the mechanics of writing and solidified my ability, it wasn't until I learned how to reprogram my subconscious mind that I stepped into my power as a writer. Now, I AM a writer.
I love the art of storytelling: painting a picture with words has always fascinated me. It truly doesn't matter where I am, whether stuck in traffic or looking for a parking space, my imagination allows me to escape. I AM peace. My imagination has a voice, her voice is safe, and what I imagine -- is. I AM freedom. Reading and writing helped me gain control, whereas releasing limiting beliefs and reprogramming my mind gave me the freedom to release control and embody the notion that God is ALWAYS working for me, and never against me. I now have the keys to open the doors of limitless wealth, opportunities, and resources that I once thought were out of reach. And even though I can open ALL of these doors at once, right now. I choose to open them one-by-one, savoring each moment of life, trusting the process.
I've accepted my role as a mentor and healer. With skills in meditation, speaking, energy work, and overall health, I guide women to get back their strength and life force. Every heart I help reminds me of how powerful we are together– showing again, the amazing capabilities we all have inside.
Today, I am a symbol of optimism. I am a sign of toughness, self-discovery, and never giving up on getting better. My experiences have taught me that the best stories aren't just written down, they're experienced, felt deeply and given to others. And so now, let's set out on this path together sharing success stories of transformation.
What lies ahead is for the brave dreamers.